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Alameda County, CA November 6, 2007 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Sharlene Saria-Mansfield

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Newark

This information is provided by the candidate

As a young professional mother of two school-aged kids, I will bring a unique and fresh perspective to the council that does not exist now. I will make sure City Hall's priorities better reflect those of Newark's working families.

It is ironic that while our neighboring cities thrive, the city of Newark has a 2.5 million dollar deficit. That is why my number one issues is economic development and job creation.

We need to be creative with our existing businesses, and aggressive in our outreach efforts. We must focus on small business, retail, and emerging industries like high tech and bio tech.

These industries will provide our children with careers of the future.

As YOUR council member, I will fight for OUR shared priorities:

I will develop a REAL plan for economic development and job creation in Newark;

I will honor a commitment to all of our children AND seniors through expanded city programs for them;

I will make public safety and our experienced first-responders a TOP priority in order to make Newark safe for all of us.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 29, 2007 22:33
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