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Montgomery, Northampton, Lehigh, Bucks Counties, PA September 29, 2009 Election
Smart Voter

A commitment to fiscal responsbility

By Robert B. "Bob" Mensch

Candidate for State Senator; District 24

This information is provided by the candidate
I am running for Senate because I want to help restore fiscal responsibility to Harrisburg. I have never voted for a tax increase and am opposed to raising taxes to fund increased state spending. In the current economy, families and residents throughout the region are taking a look at their household budgets and are being forced to make tough choices. The legislature and Governor need to be doing the same thing with the state budget + finding cost savings rather than looking to increase revenues by raising personal taxes.

I have also been frustrated by the failure of Democratic leaders in the Pennsylvania House + which control when and if we have votes, as well as what we vote on -- to allow Republican and Democrat members to have up and down votes on various budget proposals. I believe that if House Democrats had kept in session throughout the month of August and allowed open votes on various budget proposals that the budget impasse could have been resolved weeks ago, restoring critical funding to many non-profit organizations that have been caught in the middle of the budget debate.

I also practice personal fiscal responsibility in how I manage my legislative office. Rather than receive a 55-cent per mile reimbursement, I utilize a pool car, which saves taxpayers an estimated $2,000 per year. I refuse to seek reimbursement for my own cell phone, paying the costs out of pocket. Each of my first two years in the legislature, my office has come in under budget and returned money to the state treasury. While the controversial pay raise vote occurred before I was elected to the legislature, I would have opposed the measure. In fact, I refuse to accept the annual cost of living adjustment, instead donating that money to local charities that provide assistance to the disabled and victims of domestic abuse.

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