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Placer County, CA June 3, 2014 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Robert M. Weygandt

Candidate for
Supervisor; Placer County; Supervisorial District 2

This information is provided by the candidate

I have been honored to represent District 2 residents on the Placer County Board of Supervisors.

As your Supervisor, I have worked to ensure the county is well-managed, fiscally strong and a safe place to live and work. Placer County maintains one of the highest bond ratings in the state and, at the same time, has a very low level of debt.

If re-elected, I will continue to work for pro-active planning, prudent cuts and improved government efficiency with a budget that is balanced and conservative.

In particular, my goals for a next term include:

- Responsible fiscal management of our County, ensuring that we use your tax dollars wisely.

- Growing jobs in Placer County, including District 2's Sunset Industrial Area, the largest industrial/business park in Placer County.

- Maintaining strong law enforcement staffing and appropriate emergency response.

- Completing our innovative Placer County Conservation Plan to preserve thousands of acres of open space and streamline the permitting process for new construction.

Placer County weathered the Great Recession in better shape than most government agencies in California. With continued fiscally conservative policies, we can grow our County's job base and enhance the quality of life for our children, grandchildren and generations to come.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: May 21, 2014 21:51
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