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Alameda County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Council Member; City of Newark Voter Information

Results as of Dec 8 4:15pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (99/99)
Candidates (Vote for 2)

This is a preview of the election. Candidates will be added and may change until the final certified list of names is available. Some contests or ballot questions might be added.

Mike Bucci 5,277 votes 29.53%

  • Occupation: City Council Member
Matthew Jorgens 3,732 votes 20.89%
  • Occupation: State of California Employee
Terrence Grindall 3,275 votes 18.33%
  • Occupation: School Board Member
Taranjit "Singh" Gujral 2,079 votes 11.64%
  • Occupation: Director Data Science
Barry Taimani 1,840 votes 10.30%
  • Occupation: Sanitation Engineer/Coach
Soraya Ahmadyar 1,665 votes 9.32%
  • Occupation: Public Administrator

Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official. Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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